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July 17 – Aug 28

UMO Design X Social


What’s coming up

27 Aug

Pitch Your Solution

View All Entries

We barely emerged from the pandemic’s trauma, we have been severely hit by several other crises. Be it the Ukraine war or the Sri Lankan economic situation we are going through one of the toughest times. Such man-made disasters have disrupted the global economy and the well-being of the people which is bound to take a long time to heal.

The plight of Ukrainians and their neighbors including that of Russians is extremely bad. It has caused widespread destruction and severe irrecoverable disruption to their lives. Whereas the Sri Lankan crisis caused extreme financial and social disorder limiting access to basic needs, healthcare, and personal and financial security.

The Theme

Designing for Crisis

Design interventions for an empathetic, sustainable, and delightful citizen experience

Opportunity to rebuild and heal the world with design
Can we take inspiration from resilient economies like Japan after the world war or Norway after the Covid pandemic? Can our creative design community design resilient and sustainable systems at an individual, society, and national level? We have an opportunity to design from scratch.

In Partnership

ideas to trigger your mind


Explore solutions to promote sustainable health and well-being by exploring changes at the personal, systems, and planet levels.

Personal Level

It all begins within. How can we, as individuals, influence positive behavior at a personal level to create robust and resilient systems that are responsive during emergencies? How can we ensure that our immediate community receives proper resources during such crises?

National Level

During national crises, how can we provide products, services, and processes that can be better implemented, organized, and managed at such a large scale? How can we ensure the safety and well-being of citizens? Think, healthcare, finance, education security and government policy.

Global Level

How can we develop affordable, sustainable, robust, and accessible solutions that are scalable globally? What factors can we consider while scaling solutions globally to ensure their feasibility across different countries, cultures, and people? In the process, can we also be more responsible toward our planet?



In today’s connected world, everyone is empowered to influence a positive change. People from any domain and from any walk of life, passionate about bringing social change are encouraged to take part in this challenge.

Awards for each category. See which category you fit into and participate!


Some of the most inspiring and innovative ideas come from students. Demonstrate your social responsibility by encouraging your students to take part.


Non-Design Institutes & Middle to High Schools
Some of the most creative and technologically exciting ideas come from non-design students. Take part in this unique challenge and inspire change.

Businesses & Enterprises

Demonstrate your corporate social responsibility by encouraging your employees to take part in this challenge. They could be designers, technologists, or anyone inspired.

Professionals & Citizens

Non- design professionals and citizens from any background who care and who are keen to bring change, your ideas are gold. All you need is an ability to write and express your ideas in a simple way



We call designers, social architects, and changemakers to design a new world.

We call designers, design students, and anyone inspired to take part in this Design X Social Innovation challenge. Here’s what we can do. You can submit your ideas in any of the following categories:

Reimagine life operating system

Think basic essentials i.e., Healthcare, Finance, Education, Security, Housing, etc.,

  • How can we make these systems robust/sustainable?
  • How can we help people overcome post-crisis trauma?
  • How can these systems help individuals/communities face such disasters?

Re-design government systems and policies

How can these systems and the governance itself be citizen inclusive and/or even citizen-led with people as stakeholders?



UMO Design Foundation will be honoring the winners with the following awards.

Award-winning entries will be showcased during the UX India Conference 2022 & may be eligible to receive guidance & opportunities to acquire funding to launch their products or services.

Winners will receive free UX courses from UMO Design School and internship opportunities from Happening Design Studio. Finalists receive an 80% discount on UX courses from UMO Design School.

All participants will receive certificates of participation from the UMO Design Foundation.

4 Best Design awards,
one award for each category

4 Special Jury awards,
one award for each category

One award for all categories



A winning design positively meets most of these criteria.
Note: UMO Design Mentors will be available to teams that need help with the design process and general project guidance

Problem Identified

Why is it an urgent/important problem?

Design Innovation

How is this design unique or innovative?

User Experience

Does it deliver a simple, intuitive, and delightful UX?

Design Process

Did it follow a proper design process?

Impact on the Society

How does it positively change the life of the target users?


Is your solution long-lasting? Is it good for the planet?

Practicality & Business Viability

How can your solution be executed and successful?

Video (not more than 3 minutes)

Does it capture your problem and solution effectively?



Let’s unite to re-imagine the new normal, new scenarios, identify problems, and propose solutions.

Show That You Care

It’s your platform to showcase your idea and bring change.

Win Awards & Get Recognized

What better way to celebrate the potential impact you could create.

Learn From Mentors

What better way to gain knowledge and exposure while designing for potential impact.

Gain entry to UMO Design Conference

Get discounted entry to UXI Conference 2022.

Get 70% discount at UMO Design School

All the participants receive 70% discount for the Certification course in User Experience Design worth $2106.

Internship and a job opportunity at UMO Design Partners

Through our UXIN program, get an internship or a job opportunity at UMO Design partners.



Here’s what we need to do to make this challenge a success

16 July

Form Teams and Register

Whether you are from academia, from the industry, or a citizen, you should participate in teams. If you don’t have team members, please let us know (team@umo.design) we will pair you up with other team members.

  • The minimum team size is 3 and the maximum size is 5.
  • We encourage diversity in your teams. Diversity in expertise, industry domain, gender, etc.,
  • Brownie points for including a common man/ citizen in your teams.
  • There are no Entry Fees.
  • Teams will be assigned a mentor (optional)An expert design mentor from the industry will help you, guide you from the beginning to the end of the process.

23 July

Identify A Problem You Want To Solve

You have to complete all sections in the Google Slide template and share the completed Google slide deck here.

  • Describe the scenario.
  • Capture the problem.
  • Explain why it is an urgent problem for the “Designing for crisis” theme.
  • Who is the target user?
  • When solved how it will positively impact the target user?
  • You will be provided with feedback from our Design X Social challenge team incase the problem identified is needs a bit more rethinking.

06 Aug

Submit Your proposed Solution

Your proposal could be a digital/ software, a service, or a physical product. Update the solution section in Google Slide deck with:

  • How does your solution address the problem identified? (Use sketches, photos, video, etc.,).
  • Any alternatives you’ve considered – up to 2.
  • How does it impact the target user(s)?
  • Submit a video (max 3 minutes) which explains the problem and solution. You can share the drive link to access the video.
  • The video will be uploaded on UMO Design’s YouTube channel for public voting.

21 Aug

Get Shortlisted

Shortlisted entries will be announced in each category. These teams will have a chance to present to the final award jury online.

  • You will receive feedback to polish your entries.
  • Optionally, you can work with a mentor to prepare for the final jury.

27 Aug

Pitch your Solution

Shortlisted teams are required to pitch their design solutions to the jury online. Each team will have a total of 10 minutes for this. The team must dedicate 7 minutes to present their idea and 3 minutes to answer any questions that the jury may have.

28 Aug

Win Awards

Winners will be presented with the Design X Social Innovation Awards in the following categories:

  • Best in the Academia
  • Best in the Enterprise
  • Best in the Open Category
  • Design X Social Special Jury Award
  • Design X Social People Choice Award

Do you think you can make a difference in the lives of citizens during such disasters?


We hope you are inspired & excited about this challenge. This is our time and opportunity to address the need of the hour to create a long-lasting social impact for generations to come.


Form Teams and Register


Make a difference with your experience, skills and expertise


Support innovation for a social cause.


Nominate a Jury for Design X Social.

What the previous participants have to say.


What our previous participants have to say about Design X Social.

Featured In



Everything you need to know to participate.


What is Design x Social?

Built on UMO Design Foundation’s philosophy – “Good design for better living’, Design X Social is an annual social innovation challenge that aims to create a positive impact on society by identifying and addressing global social, economic and environmental issues with the design. Design X Social has been one of UMO Design Foundation’s core events


How much do I have to pay for Design X Social?

There is NO entry fee to participate in Design X social challenge.


Can I send my individual entry for the Design X Social challenge?

To participate in DXS, the minimum team size is 3 and the maximum is 5. However, we are here to help you, email your interest to team@umo.design and we will pair you with team members like you.


If I am an individual, what should I email you?

Whether you are from academia, from the industry, or Professional & citizen, mention which category you belong to and say, I am looking to be part of a team. we shall pair you up with other team members.


I don’t have any design background, can I still participate in this contest?

We believe some of the most creative and technologically exciting ideas come from people of all backgrounds. We encourage you to participate and share your ideas. And.. we will assign a mentor to your team who will guide you through the process.


I have not been assigned a mentor yet, what shall I do?

Please drop an email to team@umo.design and we will pair you with a mentor. Please note mentors are assigned when you opt during your application submission. .


What shall I do if the assigned mentor is not responding?

Please reach out to the mentor and team UMO, we will help you connect with the mentor. If your mentor is unavailable, we will assign a new mentor,


What are the tools I can use to work on this project? Do you provide any free tools?

You can use any tool that suits you. We don’t recommend any specific tools.


Will I get any certificate for participating in DXS?

Yes, all the participants who submit the solution to their identified problems will be given verifiable participation certificates. And many more goodies from our partners..