I’m Nithin Prakash, and I make products better. From design and innovation sprints to UX design sprints and marathons, I create things that work for users and brands. My approach was agile before they called it agile, finding innovation through structured ideation, prototyping and user-testing. Over the past couple of years, I’ve dived deep into machine learning, augmented reality, virtual reality and mixed reality, but always with one question in mind: how does it make life better for humans?
I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about what is it that I actually do? Do I make websites? Yes, sometimes. Do I make apps and other digital products? Yup, I make a fair amount of those. Do I create brands? Yea, that too.
But that doesn’t really explain it.
After thinking and thinking, taking long pensive walks on the beach, and even talking to some people, I realised that what I really do is create connections. I help my clients connect with their customers.
Dribble: https://dribbble.com/NithinPrakashM
Website: http://www.nithinprakashmotupalli.com/

Nithin Prakash Motupalli
Founder & Chief, The Tribe Team